A picture of Jakob Schnurrer


Jakob Schnurrer

Hi, my name is Jakob Schnurrer, I'm a 19-year-old Designer, and Artist from Graz, Austria. My passion for art and design took off in high school and since then I wanted to work in the design industry.

Since 2021 I am working as a Freelancer alongside my studies at FH JOANNEUM and I have gained some experience as a professional designer.

If I would have to describe myself in five words, those would be:
friendly, team player, chaotic, curious & reliable.

UX Internship

04.2024 – 06.2024

During my 6th and last Semester at FH JOANNEUM, I did an Internship at Intact GmbH.
Intact provides software as a service, that powers audits, certification and standards globally. It supports companies like TÜV or MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) to manage communication, business goals, and personnel with a full solution approach.
I worked at Intact for three months and helped to create the companies design system "ZEUS". I created the Figma components, that are going to be used in future screen design concepts, wrote docomentation for the use of said components and created the visual design of ZEUS itself.

Semester Abroad

09.2023 – 01.2024

During my 5th Semester at FH JOANNEUM, I went abroad to Belgium for five months.
I studied "Creative Technologies and Entrepreneurship", met a lot of new people from all over the world, made new friends, took part in an international exchange of ideas brought my productivity and creativity to a new level and of course went out of my comfortzone to experience something truly special.
If I have the option, I will do it again!


10.2021 – now

In october 2021 I started my studies at FH JOANNEUM in the studyprogram "Informationdesign".
The program takes me through all the different fields of design, for example Ui/Ux Design, the basics of Web programming, sounddesign and graphicdesign.

Scout Ranger

09.2021 – now

Since september 2021 I am voluntray participating in the scout group "Graz 11".
Every week my team of rangers and I come together to plan a two hour session for kids aged from seven to ten years old. This could be a creative drawing session, a game in the forest or talking to the kids about how to avoid creating too much trash.


01.2021 – 10.2021

As every "good" austrian man, I fulfilled my civil-service at "Lebenshilfe", where I washed clothes and cleaned the house of handicapped people.
During this time I learned a lot about dealing with difficulties people are having and understand the problems of handicapped people.

High school diploma

09.2012 – 03.2020

During the Covid19 pandamic I finished school at "BG/BRG Seebacher" and did my A-levels in Maths, German, English, informatics and geometry.

A picture of Jakob Schnurrer