A picture of Jakob Schnurrer

The City of the Future

The City of the Future

Web Design

02.2023 - 06.2023

The Brief

This project was created during the "Research and Knowledge" course at FH JOANNEUM.
This course consisted of three part, first research a topic of our interest, second create a video and poster fitting for our topic and lastly present our research and other projects on a website, using a database.

The Solution

This was one of the longest and hardest projects to do, but I am very pleased with the product. Without this project, wouldn't have been able to create this portfolio, since I learned how to write php-code an sql-statements.

The Service

To complete this project, my team partner and I did literature research, to find out, how the city of the future could look like. Then we created a lot of digital drawings, which we then printed and cut out to create a stop motion video conveying our key research insights. Lastly we cooperated with another group to create the website and database.
My tasks were to do research, write the research paper, color the drawings, my partner made, film and cut the video, help with the creation of the website, create and connect the database.

A picture of Jakob Schnurrer